Lesson 3 - How to REALLY Study This Course

Welcome to Lesson 3. In this lesson I explain how to make the most of this course. You’ve paid good money for it, so why not make the best of your investment? Here are 10 bits of advice I would like you to follow.

1. The importance of focused learning

My advice for you is to be very focused when you learn the material. Avoid distractions and keep your study sessions short.

2. Building a solid foundation

Make sure you build a solid foundation by mastering the basics

3. Use both focused thinking and diffused thinking

We have two distinct ways of thinking. One is focused. The other is diffused. Use both to learn faster.

4. Try to get regular exercise – yes really!

Exercise is very important for learning. Physical exercise seems to be one of the best ways for us to improve the speed at which we learn new things, and remember them better.

5. Spread out your learning

It is a clever idea to spread out your learning. This is especially important if you want to remember what you learn for the long term.

6. Get Hands-On with the Projects

There are several practical projects throughout the course. These will help you apply your learning to real-life Excel. So that your learning goes from being something you know in your brain to becoming something you can apply practically.

7. Don’t let errors stop you

When you start programming in Excel you are going to make errors. Probably lots of errors. Don’t let them stop you.

8. Close All Other Excel Workbooks

When you are working through the examples and projects in this course, I recommend you close all other Excel workbooks.

9. Practice recalling the material

I strongly advise you practice recalling the key ideas from what you just studied without looking back at the material.

10. Do the Quizzes – they help you learn

There are quizzes at the end of each module. These help you test your understanding and active recall.

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