Lesson 2 - Welcome!

Welcome to Excel Macros and VBA school!

Hi I'm Victor, your instructor...

Thanks for enrolling on my online course for learning Excel Macros and VBA. It's built for you to go from practically zero knowledge of Macros and VBA to being able to write useful programs.

It will give you strong foundations in the subject of programming in Excel.

With the right foundations, you will create programs that are simple to read and easy to update. You won't struggle so much when writing new code, and you'll be able to adapt other people's code to your own purposes.

Course Curriculum

Here is a downloadable PDF of the course curriculum for Excel Macros & VBA School.

This gives you a complete overview of each Module and Lesson in the course.

Download and print a copy of this PDF to help track your progress.

This is very important - so please do it now!

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you will be able to do the following:

  • Explain the difference between Macros and VBA
  • Know how to record and play back your own Macros
  • Use the VBA Editor to write VBA directly and modify existing Macros
  • Understand the Excel Object model
  • Learn ways of working with workbooks, worksheets and ranges
  • Comment your code so it is easier to read
  • Understand variables and how to use them to repeat actions inside loops
  • Learn how to use simple decision structures
  • Create simple user forms for interaction
  • Use Named Ranges, Excel Tables and Arrays in VBA
  • Write your own simple yet useful Macros
  • Test your code using the VBA Editor

Course FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about the course:

  • Q: How long will it take me to complete the course?

    A: You might be able to watch all the videos, complete the quizzes and finish all the projects within a week if you do this full time.

    But I would actually advise against doing it all in one week - even though you could...

    ... because most people find they absorb and retain material for longer if they space their learning over a longer period of time.

    So my advice is to take a week to work through each module. Don’t get too stuck on any one lesson. Space your learning out over several months for the whole course. And get practice with coding VBA by trying out the projects.

    Learning a skill like programming Macros in VBA is not a straight path. You might find the need to revisit earlier modules to remind yourself of concepts learned earlier but forgotten over time. Or... you might find it easy to understand the concepts first time round, but not easy to put them into practice. Which is where the project work is important.

    Take enough time to learn effectively. This will vary from person to person. For you it might be a week (if this is refresher material). Or it could be several months. Focus on developing real life know-how and skills that you can use... rather than rushing to finish the course without developing strong VBA skills.

  • Q: Will I really be able to program in Excel after I finish the course?

    A: Yes, in short you will be able to create simple yet useful programs.

    While I can’t guarantee that you will be able to program anything you want by the end of the course, I can say with certainty that you will have enough knowledge to understand and write basic and intermediate VBA code.

    And once you understand the basics, it will become easier and easier to write longer and more complex programs.

    Eventually after enough experimentation and practice with coding, you will collect your own code snippets (short pieces of code) that you can reuse. And you can constantly push your VBA knowledge to improve.

  • Q: I have some urgent work projects that I need your help to code. Can you help me to personally write macros?

    A: Sure, I'm happy to take a look at your project. If you need VBA consulting for urgent work projects then visit this page where you can submit your request for a paid consultation:


    The consultants there can help you make an informed choice once you give them preliminary info.

  • Q: How can I get help if Excel shows an error when I run my code?

    A: When you learn how to write VBA code, it is quite easy to make spelling mistakes. If you find that Excel stops with an error code, the first thing I recommend you do is to check your typing. Make sure the words are spelled the same. This might fix perhaps half your problems.

    We will cover how to test VBA code and overcome errors later in the course.

    And if you're stuck in any lesson, just leave a comment below the video and I'll get back to you...

  • Q: What books are useful to read in addition to taking this course?

    A: I recommend you pick up a copy of one or more of these books if you want to read more about Macros and VBA. There are many more books out there but these will help you get started, and also be useful reference volumes for your own code.

    - Excel Macros for Dummies (1st or 2nd editions)
    - Excel VBA Programming for Dummies (1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th editions)
    - Excel Power Programming with VBA (published for each of Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016)

Course Curriculum PDF

Here's the downloadable PDF of the course curriculum (again).

This gives you a complete overview of each Module and Lesson in the course.

This is so important for you to download that I'm giving you another prompt here - in case you haven't downloaded the PDF yet!

IMPORTANT: Download and print a copy of this PDF to help track your progress. This is very important - so please do it now if you haven't already!

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